Application of semiochemicals in Canada - British ColumbiaList of Species
Genus Common Name Family Order Archips argyrospila Fruittree leafroller Tortricidae Lepidoptera Archips rosana Rose tortrix moth Tortricidae Lepidoptera Campylomma verbasci Mullein bug Miridae Heteroptera Choristoneura rosaceana Obliquebanded leafroller Tortricidae Lepidoptera Choristoneura rosaceana Redbanded leafroller Tortricidae Lepidoptera Conophthorus ponderosae Ponderosa pine cone beetle Scolytidae Coleoptera Cydia pomonella Codling moth Tortricidae Lepidoptera Enarmonia formosana Cherrybark tortrix moth Tortricidae Lepidoptera Gnathotrichus retusus Western pinewood stainer Scolytidae Coleoptera Gnathotrichus sulcatus Western hemlock wood stainer Scolytidae Coleoptera Monochamus clamator Spotted pine sawyer Cerambycidae Coleoptera Monochamus scutellatus Whitespotted sawyer Cerambycidae Coleoptera Orgyia pseudotsugata Douglas-fir tussock moth Lymantriidae Lepidoptera Pandemis limitata Threelined leafroller Tortricidae Lepidoptera Rhopobota naevana Blackheaded fireworm Tortricidae Lepidoptera Spilonota ocellana Eye-spotted budmoth Tortricidae Lepidoptera Trypodendron lineatum Striped ambrosia beetle Scolytidae Coleoptera